Power of Words – for Your Physical and Emotional Health

I am part of an online class series about energy healing basics.  So far it has been great.  There are a lot of great teachers sharing their knowledge in a basic way for beginners to understand how energy works and how to harness it for healing.

I focused my lesson on the power of words.  I taught Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis for 10 years and know the power of our mind and it starts with being aware of our words and the thoughts we choose to accept.   I harness that power in all areas of my life now.

In my video I teach 4 easy tools to harness the power of your words.  (I put the times of different topics below, in case you are interested in a certain topic or tool it will be easy to find.)

The Power of Words from Sheridan Ripley on Vimeo.

1:00 Tool:  Affirmations – increasing their power with “How would it feel…”

3:00 Vibrations of words and emotions

5:35 Words and Health Intro about me and how I became interested in this.

10:16 Tools – Change Your Words to Change Your Health

14:37 Words and our Emotions

19:49 Applying Meaning to Experiences

24:52 Tool: Recognize Spinning

29:13  Tool:  Notice It, Name It, Flip It, Find It