“Firm Upon the Rock” Poem

I was struggling with a situation in which I felt so lost and confused.  I turned on my Favorite Inspirational Song Playlist and wrote a Letter to God.  This is what He wrote back to me.

Stand firm on His foundation, Hold tight to Jesus.

Storms will surround you at times.

Chaos will yell in your ears

Fear and Self Doubt may try to obscure your view.


Stay rooted to the rock, clinging to your Savior

all this shall be for your good.

He shall hold you up.

He shall whisper peace.

He shall clear your view.

He shall save you again and again.


It matters not what rages around you or against you.

He is the eye of the storm

and you may stand by His side

and be protected in His embrace.


I had been studying the topic of the Rock of Christ for months at this point, so it seemed like a gift given to me, like all that studying had led up to THIS moment so I could find peace amidst the storm as I stood upon the Rock and clung to My Savior.